When I'm Stuck

Whenever I'm working a project and I start dragging along or I find myself mentally stuck, I check out these communities/people.


When I needed support in trying to figure out how to code, CodeNewbie was there. Hearing the origin stories of so many different people made coding feel accessible. More importantly, a lot of the stories were coming from people of color. Up until then, most of the resources I used lacked that kind of background. If I had known a web developer would become such a popular thing, I would've customized more Black Planet and Myspace pages.

CodeNewbie would later create CodeLand and would be the first coding conference I ever attended. I even volunteered at the third one.

If you're looking for community, you simply cannot go wrong with CodeNewbie.


CodeNewbie, but really Saron's voice opened the floodgates to other podcasts, RedHat sponsored in particular, and that's how I got started on Compiler. Their episodes are generally geared towards people working in tech and some of the fun and issues that come along with it. I enjoy it because it's so relatable. Sometimes work feels like it's only happening to you, but they bring out the humor in otherwise tense situations.

Annyce Davis

Scott Hanselman

Some refer to him as the Mr. Rogers of software development, and I would have to agree . If you need a healthy boost of positivity and a path to be more efficient with your keystrokes, he has tons of content to help you win.